سئوال جواب درباره قوانین ایران

سئوال جواب درباره قوانین ایران

۱۳۹۰ مرداد ۲۲, شنبه

samim rashti

Personal Background and expertise

I have been resident in the UK since the year 2000.
Born in Rasht, Iran, 1975
Graduated in law in Iran authorised as a solicitor’s assistant 20 August 1994
Permit to practise as an independent solicitor 4 September 1995
Won 47 of 67 cases between 1995-1998.
Permit updated every year until court order dated April 1998 arrived with allegations of turning people against the government
Imprisoned for eight months thereafter and fled from Iran when property was confiscated.

you can ask me any information about Iran law and court - if there is something I do not know I can ask from other lawyer - there is no charge for this at all.
I can help to confirm Iranian document as original or fake where it need, unfortunately some of Iranian expert in UK are not worked in court and they just study in university and mad a lot of false report in this way and some refugee been refused to be given visa, for one mistake an expert made.

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